How Far Do RV Awnings Extend

How Far Do RV Awnings Extend ? A Complete Guide

Awnings are a great extension to your RV. Imagine you are enjoying your trip in your RV on a bright sunny day. But that sunlight can be hot, and you might need shade. This is where awnings chip in.

But how far do RV awnings extend?

RV awnings can extend to different sizes depending on the RV size and your needs. They usually spread from 8 feet to 14 feet. However, this can change depending on the scenario.

Now, if you think that you need a better idea about the RV awnings, then you’re at the right place. We have some detailed information about RV awnings. Spare some time and have a look.

Material of RV Awnings

Material of RV awnings may differ depending on fabric type or quality. Usually, vinyl and acrylic are most commonly used.

Both of them have some advantages as well as disadvantages. For example, acrylic dries faster but has less resistance to water. On the other hand, vinyl is waterproof, but it takes longer to dry. And to compare the both, vinyl is more durable.

Also, acrylic allows more air to flow through them. But this is not the same in the case of vinyl. Vinyl is not as breathable as acrylic. As a result, comparatively less air flows through them.

Why Is RV Awnings Essential

RV awnings are functional in many ways. They add priceless value to your outgoings when you are outside your home and enjoying your vacation. 

Awnings help keep the extra heat away from the interior of the RV. They keep the direct sunlight away from the RV. Thus they provide shade outdoors to enjoy picnics and dinners. So you won’t miss your air conditioner there.

Awnings can also extend the living space of the RV. Awnings come in handy for the warm summer nights.

Extension Of RV Awnings

RV awnings are extendable clothes, extending up to 14 feet or more. Vintage camper awnings extend approximately 8 feet from the trailer body.

However, the RV sizes can change the awning size proportionately. If the trailer size is significant, then the awnings will be big as well. 

Bigger awnings can sometimes provide you with better functionality. But, they may not match your RV aerodynamics. So, you’ll need a perfect balance of your RV size and awning size.

Function Of Awning Extenders

Most of the RVs have built-in awnings, and they work pretty well. But sometimes, you might feel like the dimension is not enough for your needs. This is where RV extenders kick in. However, it’s not like patching wood paneling.

RV extenders give you extra benefits with extra space, extra shade, extra protection, and so on. They can almost expand the coverage area by double. So, RV awning extenders might be super handy for you. 

Hopefully, this will help you while buying awning extenders for your RV. Also, keep in mind the size while buying extenders. Otherwise, it may not match your RV dimensions and cause difficulties.

Vinyl Or Acrylic – Which One To Choose?

We’re hoping that you already know that acrylic and vinyl awnings are most commonly used. Now you might think which one will be better for you. 

Well, for RV awnings, it’s better to go for the acrylic fabric ones. 

Acrylic awnings can withstand harsh weather conditions. Also, they can give better protection from direct sunlight. Airflow is also good in acrylic awnings. And the better breathability makes the air under the awning comparatively cooler than vinyl fabrics.

This is why choosing acrylic awnings is a better choice.

Cleaning Precautions For Awnings

The cleaning process of RV awnings depends on the strength of the awnings.

Vinyl awnings have better strength. So, they can withstand vigorous scrubbing and commercial cleaning utensils. However, that doesn’t mean you can put too much pressure on them. And to prevent mildew, dry it properly.

Talking about acrylic awnings, they are sensitive to strong commercial cleansers. Also, they can not bear strong scrubbing or force. For cleaning, they need to be hosed down and clean the dirt.

Although acrylic awnings dry faster, they still need to be dried completely.


Q: Are all RV awnings the same length?

Answer: No, all RV awnings are not the same length. They come in whole measurements like 14 feet, 15 feet, etc.

Q: How are RV awnings measured?

Answer: Measuring RV awnings is quite easy. Just take a measuring tape and record the total width of one arm to another arm.

Q: How much space do you need for a retractable awning?

Answer: You will need at least six inches of unobstructed space from at least seven to eight feet above the ground to be mounted.

Q: How much are camper awnings?

Answer: The price of camper awnings may differ depending on the size and functionalities starting from 500$ and above.

Q: Do awnings protect from rain?

Answer: Awnings give primary protection from rain to what’s under them, including the foundation.


We tried to give you an overview of RV awnings, not just sticking to the point of how far do RV awnings extend.

RV awnings are an essential part of RV, and we hope that this article helped you know more about them. So, this is it. Have a great time with your RV awnings.

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